VICTORIA -- The British media honed in on what one outlet described as an "awkward" encounter between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the young Prince George in reports on the arrival of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in Victoria.

Several media outlets and newspapers focused on the brief appearance of the toddler and his 16-month old sister Princess Charlotte at Victoria's airport on Saturday, described as a "rare" occasion by The Sun newspaper since the children are not frequently seen in public.

The prime minister was among several dignitaries waiting on the tarmac to greet the royals when they emerged from their flight on Saturday.

After shaking hands with Prince William and his wife Kate, Trudeau knelt down to meet three-year-old George, who was holding his father's hand.

Trudeau was seen lifting his hand, trying to high-five the young prince, who shook his head and did not accept the gesture.

Videos and photos of the interaction were shared widely by British media.

The Mirror wrote: "Superstar politician Mr. Trudeau might have endeared himself to millions online through his outspoken feminism, support for diversity and willingness to embrace Internet memes, but it seems to take more than that to impress Will and Kate's eldest."

Similar reports were done by The Independent, with a story headlined: "Prince George leaves Justin Trudeau hanging after he goes for a high-five."

The Daily Mail shared a story with the headline: "Sorry, one doesn't high-five with commoners."

The Telegraph also took note of the incident with a story headlined: "Prince George and Princess Charlotte revel in a little mischief on Canadian tour."

The Duke and Duchess are on an eight-day tour of British Columbia and Yukon. Officials have said their children will not be accompanying them on much of the tour as the family makes Victoria their base for most of the visit.


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