A writer's Facebook post on alcohol and entitlement has become the latest statement to go viral in the Stanford University rape case, after statements from the victim and the rapist's father were circulated online.

In a popular post on , Chicago writer Matt Lang condemned the "entitled" attitude of the rapist and the rapist's father, who blamed alcohol for the incident.

Brock Turner, 20, was recently sentenced to six months in a county jail and three years of probation after he was convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman behind a dumpster on campus in January 2015. The rape was interrupted by two passing cyclists, who chased Turner down and held him until police arrived.

An emotional impact statement from the victim recently went viral, as did a letter presented in court from Turner's father, Dan, who said his son's life should not be dramatically changed by "20 minutes of action."

In Lang's Facebook post, he suggests that alcohol does not lead men to commit rape, but rather, it "unlocks" thoughts and attitudes that are already present in people who are inclined that way.

"Brock Turner thought he was entitled to a little 'action' any way he could get it, and he thought that long before he got drunk," Lang wrote in the post, which has been shared more than 218,000 times since Monday.

Lang suggests in the post that some men, like Turner, are taught to believe that masculinity means taking "what they want, when they want, including women.

"That thought, 'I can take whatever I want, including her,' was planted and watered by a whole rotten village," Lang wrote.

Lang's comments were posted online after a letter from Brock Turner's father spread on Twitter. In the letter, Dan Turner says his son "will never be his happy go lucky self," and has not been able to enjoy his favourite foods since the case went to trial.

"These verdicts have broken and shattered him and our family in so many ways. His life will never be the one that he dreamed about and worked so hard to achieve," .

Brock Turner was attending Stanford on a swim scholarship.

"Some guys are entitled pricks, and they're entitled pricks because their fathers and coaches and friends taught them to be entitled pricks," Lang wrote. "Because they are entitled pricks, they think they can have whatever they want, and that their worth is defined by what they have and what they take."

Lang wraps up his post with the conclusion that boys and men need to be raised with love, and taught how to deal with disappointment and confusion while respecting the dignity of others.

"We need to redefine for them what it is to be a man, that their worth doesn't come from that which they have and take," he wrote.

After the verdict was delivered at the trial, the unidentified rape victim slammed the probation officer for what she perceived to be a light sentence for Turner. She also criticized Turner's lawyer, the media and others for involving Turner's All-American swimming achievements in the case.

"How fast Brock swims does not lessen the severity of what happened to me, and should not lessen the severity of his punishment," she said in court. "If a first-time offender from an underprivileged background was accused of three felonies and displayed no accountability for his actions other than drinking, what would his sentence be?"

The victim also expressed her frustration and disappointment over Turner's decision to fight the rape accusation, and the defence argument that alcohol was the cause of the rape. "You realize, having a drinking problem is different than drinking and then forcefully trying to have sex with someone? Show men how to respect women, not how to drink less," she said.

Dan Turner had argued that his son is not fit for jail time, and he would be better off speaking at colleges on the dangers of alcohol.