As the situation in Paris continues to draw international condemnation, here’s the latest on what we know about Friday’s terrorist bombings and mass shootings, which killed at least 129 people and injured hundreds more.

  • Police said seven terrorists died during the attacks, six of them in suicide bombings and one by police gunfire.
  • At least two others are accused of planning the attacks, including Salah Abdeslam, who was questioned by police near the Belgian border, but released.
  • One of Abdeslam’s brothers detonated a suicide bomb during the attack.
  • Four of the five attackers so far identified were French citizens. It is believed the other used a Syrian passport to enter the EU through Greece in October.
  • Two of the suspects were Frenchmen who had been flagged for their radical views and both travelled to Syria.
  • Police suspect that Abdelhamid Abaaoud, who grew up in Belgium, was also involved in the plot. A French official said he was also linked to thwarted train and church attacks.

How many others have been detained?

  • At least seven were arrested in Belgium, where a major operation took place Monday in the Molenbeek neighbourhood of Brussels.
  • A French security official said that 168 searches have led to 127 arrests and the seizure of 31 weapons.
  • A Turkish security official said authorities arrested more than half a dozen people who had exchanged messages with the attackers in Paris.

Who were the victims?

  • At least 89 people were killed inside the Bataclan concert hall, while at least 29 died at three restaurants. More than 350 were injured and many remain in hospitals.
  • Among those killed were TV journalist Fanny Minot, 29; music journalist Guillaume Decherf, 43; architect Mohamed Amine Ibnolmobarak, 29; Algerian-born violinist Kheireddine Sahbi, 29; make-up artist Helene Muyal, 35; photographer Germain Ferey, 36; and student Justine Moulin, 23.
  • Chilean exile Patricia San Martin Nunez, 61, who fled the Pinochet regime, was killed at the Bataclan along with her 35-year-old daughter Elsa Veronique Delplace San Martin. Elsa's 5-year-old son was with them at the concert but survived the gunfire.
  • French President Francois Hollande said the victims were of 19 different nationalities. Among the dead are British, Italian, Spanish, Mexican, Chilean and American citizens.
  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Monday that he has no knowledge of Canadians killed in the attack, but that he had heard unconfirmed reports of a Canadian injured.
  • A Foreign Affairs spokeswoman said later on Monday that one Canadian was injured.

Was there any warning?

  • A senior Turkish official said authorities twice flagged one of the suicide bombers in the Paris attacks to their French counterparts, but received no response.
  • German authorities are investigating claims that an Algerian man detained Monday had warned fellow migrants at a refugee shelter of the impending attacks.
  • U.S. President Barack Obama said he was not aware of “anything specific.”

Are more attacks planned?

  • The Islamic State group released a video Monday vowing to attack other countries involved in the Syrian airstrikes, specifically pinpointing Washington.
  • A Russian official revealed two women were detained in France and Austria ahead of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. They were plotting to smuggle explosives onto an aircraft in hand cream, the Russian said.
  • British Prime Minister David Cameron said seven terror attacks have been foiled in Britain the past six months alone.
  • ISIS has claimed responsibility for recent bombings in Lebanon and Turkey, as well as the downing of a Russian airplane in Egypt.
  • said they received a threat of attacks on Tuesday against the prime minister, the government and Parliament by email.

How is France responding?

  • Hollande vowed to destroy ISIS. He said the attackers targeted "the France that likes life, culture, sports, parties."
  • Hollande said he would table a bill to extend the country's state of emergency by three months. The state of emergency allows increased police powers to search people.
  • The president said 5,000 more police will be hired in the next two years and that he will freeze cuts to the military through 2019.
  • France's Defence Ministry said 12 aircraft dropped a total of 20 bombs Sunday night in the biggest air strikes since France extended its bombing campaign in September.
  • The activist group Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Monday that the French bombs had killed ISIS members in Raqqa and that there were no reports of civilian deaths.
  • The French Police Union called on the EU to take over security in Molenbeek, Brussels, because they said the Belgian government has ceded to ISIS.

How is Canada responding?

  • Trudeau said he will withdraw Canada’s CF-18 fighter jets from the U.S.-led coalition mission bombing Iraq and Syria.
  • Trudeau also held firm on his plan to bring 25,000 refugees to Canada by the year end.
  • Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall urged the federal government to prioritize the safety of Canadians by suspending the Liberals' self-imposed deadline to bring 25,000 Syrian refugees to Canada by Jan. 1.
  • Ontario’s legislature said it will fly the the French flag at half-mast for three days.

How are other countries reacting?

  • Prince William will show solidarity with the French by attending Tuesday’s friendly football match against France.
  • Norwegian police have postponed a planned decision to go unarmed and will continue carrying guns, a measure that was temporarily imposed after the 2011 terrorist attacks in that country.
  • Britain plans to double spending on aviation security and recruit about more 1,900 security and intelligence agents, Cameron said Monday.
  • German Chancellor Angela Merkel said at the G20 Summit in Turkey that world leaders “agreed that the challenge can't just be tackled with military means, but only a multitude of measures."

With files from The Associated Press and The Canadian Press

Background and Maps - Phil Hahn and Jesse Tahirali, ۴ý

Since it declared a caliphate in June, 2014, the Islamic State has rapidly extended its reach beyond its base in Iraq and Syria – allying with sympathetic jihadist groups across North Africa and the Middle East.

ISIS has declared wilayats – or official provinces – in countries including Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. While the branches in Algeria and Saudi Arabia have been relatively quiet, groups that have sprung up in Libya, Egypt and Yemen, among others, have carried out a series of bloody attacks in recent months. Below is a map of countries and regions where ISIS has declared a wilayat, and locations marking recent major attacks.


Though the Islamic State is concentrated in the Middle East and North Africa, many European countries have felt the effects of the extremist group’s fast spread.

The map below depicts countries that have either experienced attacks or have made arrests in ISIS-related terror cases recently. Countries coloured red have experienced attacks by ISIS or ISIS-inspired militants, and countries coloured yellow have recently arrested individuals who were planning on carrying out attacks or suspected of conspiring with the Islamic State.