When it comes to politicians and their sex lives, the French have traditionally been relatively open-minded. All but one of the country's post-second-world-war leaders have been known to be less than faithful to their wives (Charles de Gaulle was reportedly the exception.)

Both Francois Mitterand's wife and mistress attended his funeral. Valery Giscard D'estaing liked to be accompanied on foreign visits by Sylvia Kristel, the star of the soft porn movie Emmanuelle. In the 19th century, one French president even died while making love to his mistress -- in Elysee Palace of all places. More recently, Jacques Chirac's wife had to share a state visit to Tunisia with Claudia Cardinale, a close female friend of her husband's.

But despite their philandering, the French electorate and the media have generally allowed their leaders to keep their private lives just that -- private. That's now changed -- not so much because of a more invasive press, but instead because of the country's new, recently divorced leader. Nicolas Sarkozy isn't shy about showing off his beautiful new girlfriend, former model Carla Bruni.

The two have been openly strutting around like a pair of love struck teenagers, with the press never more than a few steps away. One provocative photo even shows the couple on a beach. Bruni was in a bikini and 52-year-old Sarkozy wore nothing more than shorts.

At first, the French public let it go. The open display of affection just showed Sarkozy is normal, one woman told ۴ý. But such sentiments are increasingly waning. Many French voters have had enough. In the past five months, Sarkozy's poll numbers have dropped by 17 per cent.

Anger has been growing over tough economic policies and declining buying power. The country's also grappling with ethnic tensions and concerns about immigration.

So, while the French have traditionally tolerated presidential affairs, they've expected them to be carried out with dignity and discretion. But Sarkozy's behaviour has turned into a national punch line. Many commentators now openly call Sarkozy, President "Bling Bling."

"There's a sudden sense of irritation with the way the president behaves -- the personal style of the man," says Dominique Moisi of the French Institute of International Relations.

Now, the president's love life has become fair game. This weekend, a French website claimed Bruni is pregnant. The news has been picked up by media outlets around the world. Even before the pregnancy reports, usually-respectful French journalists were openly asking the president about the couple's plans for marriage.

Our relationship is serious, Sarkozy has said, but it won't be a newspaper that sets the wedding date.

"There is a strong chance that you will learn about it after it's already done," a grinning Sarkozy told reporters recently.

Sarkozy is unapologetic about his antics. He says he doesn't want to be like past leaders who hid their romances. But with cameras following his every step, it may not be possible for him to hide his private life anymore -- even if he wants to.

With a report by CTV's Tom Kennedy and files from The Associated Press