Each federal party has taken a different approach to its main election page and its leader's page.

And while you may not have 'liked' their pages, you may want to check out what they've been saying over the course of the election.

Some of it is insightful, and some of it is pretty amusing (though not always intentionally so).

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau and NDP Leader Tom Mulcair have all maintained a strong presence on Facebook throughout this election campaign, posting a mix of policy, personality and pleas for support as they push to win the hearts and minds of Canadians on social media.

Here’s what the federal parties and party leaders were sharing on Facebook during the election campaign.

NDP Leader Tom Mulcair

Un beau rassemblement pour le changement à Sherbrooke hier soir. // Sherbrooke is ready for change. #Ensemble2015 #Ready4Change

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The NDP page has a strong focus on bilingualism, with most campaign videos separately posted in both French and English.

The page is packed with slogans, rally photos, tongue-in-cheek jokes ("Got love, hope and opTOMism?") and plenty of platform promises.

It's also relatively light on Mulcair, when compared to the other party's pages. Instead, it includes testimonials from various candidates, and maps showing people where to vote.

The NDP page offers occasional links to news stories, but most links go to the party's website.

Mulcair's individual page, which is managed by his campaign staff, puts a much stronger emphasis on the NDP leader. There are many photos of him speaking at campaign announcements, and several videos are posted on the page. His wife, Catherine Pinhas, also appears in many photos. The humourous "opTOMism" slogans from the party page are also on Mulcair's page, and there are more outside news sources linked on Mulcair's page than on the party's page.

According to Facebook Canada, Mulcair's top moments on the site came on: Aug. 7, when he acknowledged International Beer Day; on Sept. 22-23, when he sent Eid al-Adha greetings to Muslims; and on Aug. 27, when he held a Facebook Q&A.

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau

Rallying for Real Change in Brampton, ON. October 4, 2015. // Rassemblement pour changer ensemble à Brampton, en Ontario. Le 4 octobre 2015.

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The Liberal Party's Facebook page is awash with Liberal red, and packed with photo slogans, campaign rally videos and infographics. The infographics explain some of the party's spending promises, while the videos are a mix of Trudeau rallies and individual supporter testimonials. Most of those testimonials are from people who appear to be in their 20s.

The page rarely mentions other parties, in keeping with Trudeau's pledge not to engage in attack-ad campaigning. However, a post from Sept. 25 includes a video attacking Mulcair's comments from one of the election debates. Another post from Sept. 24 claims to be a "fact check" on Harper's economic record.

The Liberal page includes several links to outside pages, and most posts are repeated in English and French.

Trudeau's personal page places more photo emphasis on the Liberal leader, with videos of him out on the campaign trail, speaking and performing a variety of activities in various communities. The page also includes occasional attacks on his opponents, with Harperbeing his most common target.

Some of Trudeau's top Facebook moments were also key moments in his campaign. Facebook Canada says Trudeau connected directly with more than 350,000 supporters on Oct. 5, when he revealed the full Liberal campaign platform using a tool called Facebook Live. The announcement turned into a Q&A session between Trudeau and those watching online.

Facebook Canada says Trudeau also received a lot of attention with a post sending Eid al-Adha greetings, and an open letter written to Stephen Harper about embattled Sen. Mike Duffy.

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper

Harper on FB

Scroll through the Conservative Party of Canada's Facebook page, and there are two people you'll see more than anyone else: Stephen Harper and Justin Trudeau.

The Tory page is filled with attacks on Trudeau, along with pleas for users to share the video if they think "Justin's just not ready."

Photos of Harper often show him alongside his family, speaking to other families, or delivering speeches at rallies, surrounded by supporters.

Still images accompanied by text usually show Harper, or couples with kids, along with messages like "I'm voting for my family," "More support for parents," and "I'm voting to protect our economy."

Most of the posts on the Conservative page are in English, although the page includes the party's English and French name in its title. For instance, of the nine posts published to the page on Thursday, Oct. 15, none were in French.

Harper's personal Facebook page features many of the same slogans found on the party page, but with a much stronger focus on the leader himself. Harper features prominently in most of the images on the page, and is often shown alongside his wife, Laureen. Other images show him meeting with supporters, staging his cash-game show, posing with Wayne Gretzky and touring various industrial facilities.

Harper's page typically includes links to the Conservative Party's website. However, the Conservative Facebook page includes a mix of links to the party website, along with posted stories from various news outlets.

The Conservatives have taken some heat during this campaign for the images used in their Facebook posts. Eagle-eyed users have spotted several stock photos in Conservative ads, including an image of Colombian miners used to advertise a tax credit for mining, and a photo of a lake in Oregon that accompanied an ad about the Canadian wilderness.

Harper also took some online flak for appearing in an ad touting Halifax's shipbuilding industry, which was actually shot in front of a bridge in Johnstown, Ont. The ad was posted on Harper's Facebook page.

Facebook Canada says Harper's most popular post was the Q&A session he held on Sept. 8. However, he also gained a lot of traction with a Sept. 27 post opposing the niqab, and an Aug. 10 clip he shared about the need to fight ISIS.

What ties them all together

Mulcair, Trudeau and Harper may differ on their policies, but at Thanksgiving, each one looked pretty excited to go pumpkin-hunting, as documented on Facebook.

NDP Leader Tom Mulcair

Trudeau at pumpkin patch

Harper at pumpkin patch