During the election campaign, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised tax cuts for the middle class, sweeping parliamentary reforms, an inquiry into missing and murdered aboriginal women and more help for Canada’s struggling veterans.

The promise to bring in 25,000 Syrian refugees is now underway, although the government has had to backtrack on the initial pledge to have them all arrive by the end of the year.

Those are just some of the highlights of the Liberal Party's extensive platform. But which campaign promises were reaffirmed in the Trudeau government's throne speech on Friday? We've compiled a list of some important pledges and whether they were mentioned in this Liberal government's inaugural Speech from the Throne:


Campaign promise: Lower the federal income tax rate to 20.5 per cent on incomes between $44,700 and $89,401, paying for it by raising taxes on the wealthiest one per cent. Create a new tax bracket of 33 per cent for those earning more than $200,000 a year.

From the speech: "The Government will, as an immediate priority, deliver a tax cut for the middle class. This is the fair thing to do, and the smart thing to do for Canada’s economy."

Campaign promise: Bring in a new, tax-free child benefit to replace the Conservative universal child benefit.

From the speech: "The Government has also committed to provide more direct help to those who need it by giving less to those who do not. The new Canada Child Benefit will do just that."

Campaign promise: Reduce EI premiums to $1.65 per $100 earned, from $1.88. Make employment insurance compassionate care benefits available to anyone caring for a seriously ill family member and make the program more flexible by allowing the six-month benefit to be claimed in blocks of time over a year-long period.

From the speech: "The Employment Insurance system will be strengthened to make sure that it best serves both the Canadian economy and all Canadians who need it."

Campaign promise: Increase federal infrastructure investment to almost $125 billion, from the current $65 billion, over the next decade to kickstart economic growth. The investment will be offset by three consecutive years of "modest" deficits before returning to a balanced budget in 2019.

From the speech: "And recognizing that public investment is needed to create and support economic growth, job creation and economic prosperity, the Government will make significant new investments in public transit, green infrastructure, and social infrastructure."

Campaign promise: Pull back on Canada’s involvement in anti-ISIS combat mission, but continue training local troops to fight the militants.

From the speech: "The Government will strengthen its relationship with allies, especially with our closest friend and partner, the United States. Internationally, the Government will focus its development assistance on helping the world’s poorest and most vulnerable.To contribute to greater peace throughout the world, the Government will renew Canada’s commitment to United Nations peacekeeping operations, and will continue to work with its allies in the fight against terrorism."

Campaign promise: Legalize marijuana.

From the speech: "The Government will introduce legislation that will provide greater support for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault; that will get handguns and assault weapons off our streets; and that will legalize, regulate and restrict access to marijuana."

Campaign promise: Scrap the purchase of the F-35 fighter jet and instead buy cheaper planes to replace the aging CF-18s and use the savings to pay for offshore Arctic patrol vessels for the navy being built in Halifax.

From the speech: "To keep Canadians safe and be ready to respond when needed, the Government will launch an open and transparent process to review existing defence capabilities, and will invest in building a leaner, more agile, better-equipped military."

Campaign promise: Meet with the provinces within 90 days to establish a national carbon-pricing framework.

From the speech: "Working together, the Government will continue to provide leadership as Canada works toward putting a price on carbon and reducing carbon pollution. To encourage economic growth, the Government will make strategic investments in clean technology, provide more support for companies seeking to export those technologies, and lead by example in their use. And as part of efforts to restore public trust, the Government will introduce new environmental assessment processes."

Campaign promise: Introduce electoral reform legislation within 18 months of forming government. This will be done in consultation with an all-party parliamentary committee struck to review a variety of reforms, such as ranked ballots, proportional representation, mandatory voting and online voting.

From the speech: "To make sure that every vote counts, the Government will undertake consultations on electoral reform, and will take action to ensure that 2015 will be the last federal election conducted under the first-past-the-post voting system…to give Canadians a stronger voice in the House of Commons, the Government will promote more open debate and free votes, and reform and strengthen committees."

Campaign promise: Bring in a that ends its "partisan nature."

From the speech: "To restore public trust and bring an end to partisanship, the Government will follow through on its commitment to reform the Senate by creating a new, non-partisan, merit-based process to advise the Prime Minister on Senate appointments."

Campaign promise: "Immediately launch" .

From the speech: "(The government) will launch an inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls."

Campaign promise: by working alongside the provinces, territories and First Nations communities.

From the speech: "The Government will work co-operatively to implement recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada."


Campaign promise: $300 million a year to reform veterans' benefits and delivery of services to vets. Bring back lifelong pensions for injured vets.

From the speech: In gratitude for the service of Canada’s veterans, the Government will do more to support them and their families.

Campaign promise: Add $515 million a year to , rising through the mandate to a total of $2.6 billion. Add another $500 million over three years for education infrastructure and $50 million more a year for a program that helps aboriginals in post-secondary education.

From the speech: "(We will) work with First Nations so that every First Nations child receives a quality education."

Campaign promise: Spend about $1.5 billion over four years on a youth job strategy to help 125,000 young people find a job.

Campaign promise: Change labour laws to ensure that employees in federally regulated industries have the right to ask their bosses for flexible work hours.

Campaign promise: Create an all-party committee to oversee the operations of every department/agency with national security responsibilities in the wake of Bill C-51.

Campaign promise: Spend $3 billion over four years on home care and improve access to and reduce the cost of prescription medications through bulk purchasing.


Also mentioned in speech:

  1. 1.

    To give Canadians a more secure retirement, the Government will work with the provinces and territories to enhance the Canada Pension Plan.

  2. 2.

    To create more opportunities for young Canadians, especially those from low- and middle-income families, the Government will work with the provinces and territories to make post-secondary education more affordable.

  3. 3.

    And to support the health and well-being of all Canadians, the Government will begin work with the provinces and territories to develop a new Health Accord.

  4. 4.

    In response to a pressing international need, and underscored by Canadians’ desire to help, the Government will welcome 25,000 new Canadians from Syria, to arrive in Canada by the end of February 2016. (not sure if we want to add this one, since it’s mentioned in intro and already underway).

  5. 5.

    The Government will support CBC/Radio-Canada, encourage and promote the use of Canada’s official languages, and invest in Canada’s cultural and creative industries.

  6. 6.

    And to expand economic opportunities for all Canadians, the Government will negotiate beneficial trade agreements, and pursue other opportunities with emerging markets.