COBOURG, ONT. -- It’s early days in the 2021 federal election campaign, but already mandatory vaccinations are shaping up to be a key wedge issue, with the parties sniping at each other over their positions.

The policy is seen by many medical professionals as a potential way to incentivise those who are hesitant, boost immunization rates, and ideally help steer the country out of the COVID-19 pandemic faster.

Here is where the parties stand on vaccine mandates for federal workers and federally-regulated sectors.


After suggesting vaccine mandates could be more divisive than effective and just days before the federal election was called, the governing Liberals announced that it would be making COVID-19 vaccines mandatory for federal public service workers as well as those in the federally-regulated transportation sector.

Their policy, which would take affect in October, would also apply to any commercial air, interprovincial train and cruise-ship passengers.

Trudeau seemingly set up the wedge in his election-launch speech, framing it as a policy that Canadians should have a say on at the ballot box, and brushing off one outgoing Conservative MP’s suggestion it is “tyrannical.”

The Liberal leader doubled down on the first full day on the campaign trail, taking aim at his opponents for their stances and suggesting that the example of a mandate for federal workers could set the standard for businesses looking to encourage their employees to be vaccinated.

Asked on Monday where things stand with this plan, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau told reporters that the federal government is working with unions to develop exemption criteria.

Asked for more clarity on Tuesday, Trudeau elaborated slightly to say that, for anyone who does not have a legitimate medical reason or refuses to be vaccinated, “there will be consequences.” He dodged follow up questions on what those consequences might be. 


After dodging questions about how a Conservative government would approach the vaccine mandate issue for federal workers, late on Sunday night O’Toole’s office issued a statement announcing that if elected, the Conservatives would take an “alternative” approach to mandatory vaccines.

Specifically, the Conservatives would require unvaccinated Canadian passengers to present a recent negative test result or pass a rapid test before getting on a bus, train, plane, or ship. O’Toole would also require federal public servants who aren’t vaccinated to pass a daily rapid test.

“We do feel that Canadians have the right to make their own health-care decisions and we encourage people to get vaccinated, but we also have to make sure we have the tools to protect all Canadians from some people that will not be vaccinated,” O’Toole said Monday.

He also launched into Trudeau for politicizing vaccines, calling it “dangerous and irresponsible,” with his team also suggesting that what O’Toole proposed is in line with Trudeau’s plan. 


NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh had been asked for his position in advance of the election and had offered general comments about the needs for unions to be consulted, but it wasn’t until Monday that his team came forward with their stance.

The NDP agree with the Liberal’s proposed vaccine mandate for federal workers, but called on them to have the system—as well as the promised international travel-focused vaccine passport— in place by early September. 

This would mean public servants would have to be fully vaccinated by Labour Day and the government should offer paid leave for workers to go get their shots. Singh suggested as well that Canadians should be able to use the passport in domestic situations as well.

On Tuesday, Singh took his position a step further, stating that in situations where employees refuse to be vaccinated for reasons other than health, there could be disciplinary measures taken.

“All collective agreements include a process for progressive discipline - up to and including termination. Discipline should always be a last resort, but may be necessary in rare cases to protect the health and safety of Canadians,” Singh said in a statement.


Green Party Leader Annamie Paul was asked her position on the federal public service vaccine mandate on Monday and she said it was something the party is “considering very seriously.”

Paul said she is keen to see the government’s plan and how it intends to handle those who have legitimate reasons to not roll up their sleeves, citing religious or cultural reasons as examples.

She also criticized the Liberal plan for being one “thrown out there” just before the election.

With files from ۴ý’ Sarah Turnbull and Sharon Lindores.