Do you remember where you were when Diana died?

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10 years ago - I was working in ۴ý feed and play. (obviously I'm not there now) I was at home on the weekend when we heard the news - which was shocking, really hard to comprehend - someone actually called me really early in the morning to tell us. Aug 31 is a date imprinted in my mind - and her funeral date Sept 6 - which was also my wedding day. It was a small wedding (40 people) and two of those people were sent to the London to covering the funeral. One from TVA Montreal - one from the Washington Bureau - and they did not know each other. But they both ended up editing together and one happened to say to the other I was supposed to go to a wedding this weekend in Toronto and the other one said - me too, so they discovered they would have both been at the same wedding and would have met anyway. The emotions were running very high on Sept 6 -but it wasn't just my own emotions - the collective emotional release around the globe during that week must have been tremendous. Also, I shared the same birth year as Diana - so as I was beginning a new chapter in my life - hers had a very shocking and sad final ending. I remember thinking how mad I was at Prince Charles and blaming her death on him. And lets not forget that another very very important figure also lost her life a few days after Diana, on Sept 5 ..... - Mother Teresa.
Maggie Whitcroft

I vividly remember where I was. I was in England. Really couldn't miss it! Acres of flowers.... 4 TV channels and that is all that aired until after her funeral. My husband's cousin was married on the day of the funeral. I had to ask the staff at the hall to turn off all TV's. They were all crowded around watching.... It was an experience for sure!
Christy Randell - Stirling, AB

Yes i do remember where i was when Princess Diana died, even though i was only three years old i remember very well. I was at home playing with my hot wheel cars in the living room, then my mother entered the room and turned on the TV. My mother was shocked as she told me that Princess Diana died. I stared at the TV. I saw her black car all crushed in a tunnel, the news showed old tape of her in her beautiful dresses and they also showed bouquets of flowers piling along a black gate. I wish i knew more about her and all the amazing things she did to make this world a better place.
Ryan Chattopadhyay - Cambridge, ON

If she had been thinking at all, she would have worn a seat belt and survived the accident, the same way the bodyguard did, possibly injured, but still alive, and we would not be having this discussion 10 years later. Because of HER lapse in judgement, she died (sorry all you conspiracy nuts), and left her children without a mother. Enough of the deification of Diana!!
Rita - Ottawa

Having the same first name, year of birth, blond hair and blue eyes resemblance to Diana, I always felt something special for the princess. I absolutely remember EXACTLY where I was...camping in Algonquin Park with friends the day of the accident. I will never forget that day my friend's father came up in his boat and announced the tragic news. We were all stunned, shocked and saddened in one swift blow.
Diana Robinson - Caledon, ON

I was watching a video at home when my sister called with the news. Ironically the movie I was watching was Roman Holiday - with Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant. Its the story of a European Princess who seeks anonimity but is recognized and led into mischief by a newspaper man who then prints her exploits. It was an eerie co-oincidence that the call came right at the part of the film when the paparazzi are chasing the Princess through the streets of Rome.

Diana is so loved by Canadians still. I always remember the day of her death because I had been away on a boat trip with no outside contact, no phones no TV or radio! When we got back to shore, finally, I saw a TV ...and there it was....I still remember how devastated I was ...we all were! It was one of the sadist days in my life. She is like Elvis.....she will always be a part of our lives!!
Linda Honish - Brandon, MB

I remember that night as if it were yesterday: the news of the crash, customers and staff glued to the giant screen TV for updates, and the disbelief and shock I felt when I heard the sad news over the radio while driving home after my shift. Whether you liked her or not, nobody can deny she had charisma. My hat is off to anybody who can withstand constant public attention, scrutiny, as well as personal problems with such grace. Hey, if Elvis can be remembered year after year for the past 30 years, why shouldn't Diana?

Our friends and family (20 of us) were wilderness camping/fishing with no radio or communication. When we returned to the boat launch, I turned on the news on the car radio, and heard the devastating news about Diana! Everyone was stunned, and crying! We will always remember this sad event.
Annette Goddard - Lac du Bonnet, MB

I remember well.We had just finished breakfast and was enjoying coffee at the kitchen table.My mother called and broke the news.It was as if a large black cloud fell across my small piece of earth.
Theresa Coombes

The anniversary of Diana'a passing is particularly poignant for me. My son was born at 8am by C-section the day Diana died. I was holding him in my arms when I heard about the tragic accident later that day. I remember weeping for her and her two boys while I held my brand new baby boy close. She made a tremendous impact on people's lives all around the world and she will never be forgotten.
Tracy - Ontario

People, people, people, get over it! Diana was as dysfunctional as the rest of the Royals. As to her charity work, I suppose if I had yachts and aircraft at my beck and call I, too, could be seen by millions doing my charitable rounds. How about highlighting some REAL people making a REAL difference? People volunteering at a mission. A Soup kitchen. Big Brothers and Sisters, etc.  I don't now what the fascination is with the Diana / the Royals.
Mike Macdonald - Winnipeg, MB

Yes I do, my Lady friend Linda and l were watching the News when she got a phone call that her mother had just been killed in a car accident in Thornhill.
Arthur Mitchell

It is a strange phenomenon that we remember this with a good looking commoner who happened to marry into Royalty. Do we think we will remember this when Nelson Mandella dies. Maybee ask the question of Mother Terressa and see the results.
Dave Baker

My father-in-law passed away from a heart attack at our cottage exactly one year before Dianas' death and the family was all gathered there again on the anniversary of his death. Such a tragedy, we'll never forget either one.
Cindy - Val Caron, ON

Yes , I clearly remember that sad day. I was in my truck going to my other farm to feed the livestock when I heard it on the radio. I thought, why would this have to happen to someone as wonderful as Diana.
Laurie Siemon - Sebringville, Ontario

This is absolutely a true story. After spending an evening outdoors with friends, my husband and I were travelling home on Highway 10 north of Orangeville when the news of Diana's death was being broadcast over the car radio. Strangely, I remember just staring at the car radio as I listened in disbelief to the details of the horrible accident and Diana's death. As the broadcast ended I returned to look through the windshield of the car only to see that we were now passing through the town of "Camilla".
Jo-Anne Gibson - Mulmur

I certainly remember where we were when the news of the death of Princess Diana. We were at home watching the late CTV news We could not believe the news She was such a lovely person and had contributed so much to the world in the short time that she was here. I also remember where we were the day of her funeral as well. We were watching the funeral on the same day that a very good friend of ours was to getting married. The world and its people certainly benefited from Princess Diana and her lovely smile. She is missed by all.
Ruth C. - Hubley, NS

Diana, Diana, it sure would be nice to stop hearing about Diana!
Bill - Calgary