In addition to winning the election, president-elect Donald Trump won the online battle against Hillary Clinton throughout a bitter election campaign, according to numbers released by Twitter Canada.

Trump generated 98 per cent more mentions than Clinton from August 2015 until election day, and finished the campaign with 13.7 million followers on Twitter – significantly more than Clinton and her 10.5 million followers.

However, Trump's online popularity in Canada was slightly below the global average. He has 22 per cent more followers than Clinton in Canada, compared to 26 per cent more than her globally.

Twitter Canada says 75 million election-related tweets were sent out globally on election day, through to 3 A.M. Trump's most retweeted message on election day was a call to "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN," which he tweeted early in the day.

Jennifer Hollett of Twitter Canada said it's unusual for a presidential candidate to tweet in all caps, but "that's very much his voice."

She added that Trump helped stir unprecedented activity on Twitter throughout the campaign. "The way Donald Trump used Twitter really took the space and platform to the next level," she told ۴ý Channel on Wednesday.

Clinton's most retweeted tweet was sent around 9 p.m., when the election results were starting to indicate victory for Trump. "Whatever happens tonight, thank you for everything," she said, in a tweet addressed to her team.

Hollett observed that Clinton's tweet had a "concessionary tone," adding: "What did the Clinton team know at 9 p.m. that the rest of us didn't?"

Foreign affairs topped the list of the most-tweeted election topics of 2016, with 50 million mentions in the U.S. since Jan. 1. Americans sent more than 1 billion tweets overall since August of 2015.

  1. Foreign affairs (50 million mentions)
  2. Terrorism (29 million mentions)
  3. U.S. economy (25 million mentions)
  4. Gun control (19 million mentions)
  5. Cyber security (18 million mentions)

Clinton and Trump combined to generate the most engaging tweet of each candidate's campaign, when they sparred directly with one another on Twitter in July. "Delete your account," Clinton tweeted at Trump, in response to a comment about Obama.

"How long did it take your staff of 823 people to think that up – and where are your 33,000 emails that you deleted?" Trump replied.

Clinton's tweet was the most retweeted message of the campaign.

Google Trends

American interest in moving to Canada spiked on Tuesday afternoon and lasted through the night, according to Alexandra Hunnings of Google Canada. She added that Canadian users were more interested in the fallout of the vote, as they turned to Google to look up "not only what happened but what could happen."

The following topics were the most-searched on Google in Canada, after the election was declared for Trump:

  1. What does Trump want to do for America?
  2. What will happen to America now?
  3. What does this mean for Canadian immigration?
  4. How did Trump win?
  5. When was America great?

"There's really a sense of this being an unprecedented movement," Hunnings told ۴ý Channel.