The Duke and Duchess of Sussex experienced some minor mid-air drama when the plane they were travelling in aborted its landing in Sydney, Australia.

According to Rebecca English, a royal correspondent for the U.K. Daily Mail newspaper who was aboard the Quantas charter flight at the time, they were “seconds from landing” at Sydney Airport when they suddenly pulled up from the runway. She said the pilot came on the intercom to let passengers know why they were circling over the city again.

“Captain Nigel Rosser said: ‘There was an aircraft on the runway that was a little bit slow to roll, unfortunately hadn’t cleared the runway. We were too close, so the decision was made to abort the landing. It was what we call a missed approach,’” .

English said the flight had to circle over Sydney before it made a second, successful attempt to land at the airport.

Simon Atkinson, a video journalist for BBC Australia, was also aboard the royal couple’s flight when they missed their landing. showing the view out of his window as the plane approached the airport before ascending into the air again.

Atkinson said the pilot joked about finding the silver lining in the missed approach.

“You’ll get another great view of the harbour,” Atkinson said he told them.

Prince Harry and his wife Meghan were travelling back to Sydney for the final days of the Invictus Games after visiting the tiny island nation of Tonga.

The royals, who recently announced they were expecting a child in the spring, are on the 11th day of their 16-day tour of the South Pacific.