A man who was stranded inside his North Carolina home after Hurricane Matthew flooded his neighbourhood is safe now, thanks to a stranger, his drone and social media.

On Sunday, Quavas Hart was capturing drone footage of the submerged streets of North Carolina after the state was hit by devastating flooding caused by the remnants of

Hart tweeted and instagrammed a photo of his footage, showing a cluster of homes in Hope Mills that were nearly completely underwater.

Craig Williams of Texas spotted Hart’s photo and reportedly sent it to his brother Chris. Craig Williams didn’t know it at the same, but he was actually looking at his brother’s house (far right in the photo):


A photo posted by Director �������� (@imsofirst) on

When Chris responded that his home was in the photo, Craig contacted Hart and asked him to help rescue his brother, who can’t swim.

“That’s my brothers house..the one with one shutter. Any chance you can boat him out of there? He’s trapped upstairs..” Craig tweeted at Hart.

According to local reports, Hart then used his drone to flag a nearby rescue crew in a boat.

At the end of Hart’s video, which has been posted to YouTube, rescue workers are seen rescuing Chris and his dog Lana.