Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will ride in one of five Ascot Landau horse-drawn carriages during their procession through the town of Windsor after their May 19 wedding, .

The carriages are often used in official and ceremonial state events such as Coronations, Royal Weddings and State Visits.

Two of the Ascot Landaus were featured in the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's 2011 wedding, carrying Harry as best man, along with the maid of honour, bridesmaids and page boys from Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace.

The Ascot Landau is a “wonderfully bright, small, lovely carriage, (that is) very easy for people to see,” by Crown Equerry Col. Toby Browne. He notes the carriage’s high seating position will make the couple highly visible.

If the weather is poor, the glass-enclosed Scottish State Coach will be used in place of the open-topped Ascot Landau.

that Harry and Markle hope it “will allow them to express their gratitude for everyone who has gathered together in Windsor to enjoy the atmosphere of this special day.”

Click here for more on the stable of historic carriages housed at the Royal Mews.