NASA. Civil rights. Beyonce. Batman.

Forget making America great again. Canada's neighbours to the south are already pretty awesome, according to supporters of a popular social media campaign.

Thousands of Canadians have been tweeting their support for the United States and its achievements, using the hashtag #TellAmericaItsGreat.

In the sea of negative and hateful speech that has dominated the American presidential election, Shane Ogilvie, ‘Tell America It’s Great’ Co-Founder, wanted to inject a little positivity.

He told ۴ý Channel that he wanted to create a platform for Canadians to be a part of the conversation but go at it from a positive perspective.

“We don’t want to wade in to take a side or sway the vote. The American people are going to make the decision they are going to make. But what we wanted to do through the process was give them the feeling that […]there’s still a lot of really great things about America.”

The campaign is being spearheaded by The Garden, a Canadian-based advertising company. The Garden has launched a dedicated to the cause, with a number of video testimonials from Canadians talking about how much they like the United States.

A promotional video for the campaign edits several testimonials together in a positive message for the United States. The video has been viewed more than half a million times on YouTube.

"We're big fans," the video says, in a speech delivered by a number of speakers in succession. "We know you've got some really big decisions to make. But as you're thinking about your future we just want you to know that you guys are great."

The #TellAmericaItsGreat hashtag appears to be playing off Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again." The "Tell America It's Great" videos are not overtly political, but they do praise the U.S. for a lot of the policies and attitudes that have become contentious in the Trump campaign.

Trump has proposed banning Muslims from entering the U.S., building a wall along the border with Mexico and forcing new immigrants to take an ideological test.

The "Tell America It's Great" video praises the United States for its progressiveness, its diversity, its leading role on the world stage and its many scientific achievements. It also hails the country for its tremendous contributions to the world of entertainment, through Hollywood, music and other art forms.


In addition to the video messages, Canadians have been sharing their support for the U.S. on Twitter using the hashtag.

All the love from Canada has not gone unnoticed. Americans tweeted back their appreciation using the hashtags #ThankYouCanada and #TellCanadaThanks.