The majority of two Antarctic penguin colonies, including the breed made famous by the film 'Happy Feet,' could be wiped out if global temperatures increase by more than two degrees Celsius, according to a new report.

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) forecasts that the temperature change threatens 50 per cent of Emperor penguin colonies and 75 per cent of Adelie penguin colonies that exist at the latitudes north of 70 degree South, in a report released Wednesday.

The warmer weather would cause a severe decrease in pack-ice coverage and ice thickness, which puts the Emperor penguins, the breed featured in the animated film 'Happy Feet,' in particular danger.

Less ice would also dry up vital food sources that penguins rely on, such as krill, a shrimp like species found in the Antarctc waters.

"If temperatures increase by another two degrees these icons of the Antarctic will be seriously threatened," Juan Casavelos, WWF Antarctica Climate Change Coordinator, said in a press release.

According to the report, there is agreement among members of the scientific community that the global temperature will rise more than two degrees.

Most climate change models predict the warmer temperature could be a reality in less than 40 years.

In order to combat the temperature increase, the report is calling on nations to reduce their emissions.

"The predicted threat to Emperor and Ad�lie penguin populations is a clear incentive for the world to agree on a set of measures to reduce global emissions, Casavelos said.

The report also proposes establishing a network of marine protected areas and implementing a system to ensure the future of the krill species, which all Southern Ocean species are dependent on.

The report, which is called '2�C is Too Much' was launched at the IUCN World Conservation Congress that is taking place this week in Barcelona, Spain.