NEW YORK - A talk-radio host is claiming  stole his joke.

Cenk Uygur of Air America's morning show "The Young Turks" insisted on his program Wednesday that Colbert used his joke on "." Uygur posted a video on YouTube comparing his joke -- which he claims he first told on his Sept. 7 radio program -- with a segment that aired on "The Colbert Report" four days later.

In both jokes, Uygur and Colbert suggest that the Republican presidential candidates sounded like Klingons from "Star Trek" while speaking about the value of honor.

Renata Luczak, a spokeswoman for Colbert, said the comedian had no immediate comment but will most likely address it on the show.

As a mock conservative pundit, Colbert has often engaged in mock feuds.

An e-mail sent to Uygur's spokesman seeking further comment was not immediately returned.