White House state dinners are not only lavish affairs, they’re “bigger than the biggest weddings,” former White House chef Walter Scheib once said.

Under President Barack Obama, they’re also rare occasions. He and the first lady have held just seven state dinners in Obama’s first six years of office, and three in 2015.

Obama state dinners

2009: Then-Indian PM Manmohan Singh

2010: Then-Mexican President Felipe Calderon

2011: Then-Chinese President Hu Jintao

2011: German Chancellor Angela Merkel

2011: Then-South Korean President Lee Myung-bak

2012: British PM David Cameron

2014: French President Francois Hollande

2015: Japanese PM Shinzo Abe

2015: Pope Francis

2015: Chinese President Xi Jinping

2016: Canadian PM Justin Trudeau

Still, that places Obama above Harry S. Truman and George W. Bush, who each hosted six state dinners -- the fewest among postwar presidents.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau arrives in Washington Wednesday and will be treated to a reception before meeting with Obama and the first lady on Thursday for the state dinner.

This will be the Obamas' 11th state dinner, in which Prime Minister Trudeau not only becomes the first Canadian in almost two decades to be feted with such a grand celebration, but one of only a handful of Canadians throughout history to be given the honour.

Compare that with Jimmy Carter, who held more than 40 state dinners in just one term, between 1977 and 1981. (See the graphic below to see just how many Lyndon B. Johnson crammed into 62 months.)

Ronald Reagan held 52 dinners over two terms.

State Dinners in Washington

By the Numbers

$590,000 Cost of remodeling the state dining room in 2015 (US $)

$500,000 General price tag of a state dinner

1969 Year Pierre Trudeau attended his first state dinner with Nixon

140 Number of chairs in the state dining room

54 State dinners held by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 62 months

19 Years since the last Canadian PM (Jean Chretien) attended a state dinner

11 State dinners Barack Obama has held since 2009

6 Number of times beef has been served since 2009

6 Minimum months it takes to prepare menu, decor and entertainment

5 Canadian prime ministers who have attended past state dinners

While Obama may seem stingy compared with other presidents when it comes to hosting state dinners, according to the he has actually spent more lavishly on them than previous chief executives.

State dinner costs are generally kept secret, but documents obtained by the Examiner show Obama spent nearly US$1 million on a state dinner for Mexico’s then-president Felipe Calderon. The dinner included a performance by Beyonce.

The menu

Planned by White House executive chef Cristeta Comerford and executive pastry chef Susan Morrison, the meal is expected to feature four courses with a "Spring" theme. While Obama seemed to favour serving beef in past state dinners, for Trudeau a first course of Alaskan halibut "casseroles" will be followed by a main course featuring herb-crusted lamb from Colorado.

"The splendour of the Rocky Mountains is here in this handmade sugar display," said Morrison when describing one of the dessert features, for which the highlight will be a maple pecan cake.

The entire event is orchestrated by the U.S. State Department, with the dinner details largely handled by the first lady and the White House social secretary.


The Canadian delegation receives 20 tickets to the state dinner and will include:

  • Foreign Affairs Minister Stephane Dion
  • International Trade Minister Chrystia Freeland
  • Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan
  • Environment Minister and Climate Change Catherine McKenna
  • Fisheries and Oceans Minister Hunter Tootoo

While this will be his first, Justin Trudeau’s father Pierre was the guest of honour at three state dinners: in 1969 with President Richard Nixon; in 1974 with President Gerald Ford; and again in 1977 with President Carter.

As Trudeau lands in Washington for his official visit, see the graphic to the left for more interesting numbers and facts about previous state dinners in Washington.

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With files from Taline McPhedran