U.S. civil-rights icon Jesse Jackson had a private chat with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Tuesday and invited him to a conference in Detroit.

The meeting happened as world leaders gathered in New York for the UN General Assembly, and Jackson later spoke to POLITICO about why he loves Canada and hates the fact that it has been slapped with U.S. tariffs.

“The Statue of Liberty should be between Windsor, Canada and Detroit,” . “We should relate to them with a friendly tone — because of the historic nature of our relationship … We are eternally bound … They’re our friends.”

Jackson said he’s especially worried Trump might impose tariffs on autos amid ongoing NAFTA talks.

“The impact of tariffs on cars would devastate consumers,” Jackson said. “[Canada is] a tremendous trading partner.”

Jackson said he invited Trudeau to speak at the upcoming annual conference of his Rainbow PUSH Automotive Project in Detroit. But he said he’s not sure the prime minister can make it.

Trudeau and U.S. President Donald Trump are not planning to meet formally during the UN General Assembly.