In Canada, people feel withdrawal symptoms without a morning cup of joe and will wait in ridiculously long lines to pick up their double-double.

But it appears the Swiss government isn’t so keen on java.

Switzerland will end its emergency stockpile of coffee by 2022, after its government declared coffee beans “not essential for life.”

“Coffee has almost no calories and subsequently does not contribute, from the physiological perspective, to safeguarding nutrition,” the in a release on Wednesday.

But trouble could be brewing since the average Swiss citizen consumes nine kilograms of coffee each year, according to the International Coffee Organization (ICO). This is more than double the amount the average American drinks.

Since the First and Second World Wars, the Swiss government has been storing emergency reserves of coffee in case of potential shortages.

The country currently has 15,300 tonnes stored up for its 8.5 million residents, . This is roughly enough to last the country three months.


Although the stockpiling of emergency coffee is scheduled to end in about three years’ time, the final decision to scrap the stockpiles won’t be made until November.

In the meantime, the plan is open for public input.

In 2017, the ICO ranked Switzerland as the seventh biggest coffee drinker in the world -- with Finland, Norway and Iceland topping the list.

Despite the seemingly copious amounts of cups Canadians drink, Canada only ranked tenth on ICO’s list of top 20 java-drinking countries.