MONTREAL - The eldest son of former prime minister Pierre Trudeau says he has talked to Liberal Leader Stephane Dion about possibly running in the next federal election.

"Mr. Dion and I have been talking off and on since the convention," Justin Trudeau said Thursday, referring to the Liberal leadership meeting in December that chose Dion as party chief.

Speculation has been swirling around Trudeau's political future for months as he has taken a higher profile on several issues such as the environment and national unity.

He was also a vocal supporter of Gerard Kennedy in the leadership race and threw his support to Dion when Kennedy bowed out in favour of Jean Chretien's one-time unity minister Dion.

But the former high school teacher isn't ready to tip his hand.

"I have not made a decision yet," he said.

"Certainly with the environment reaching the top of Canadians' priorities, I think there's an opportunity right now to see that government starts doing things the right way and actually addressing the real issues and not just Band-Aids.

"That makes it a little more tempting than it has been in a long time to go into politics."

Trudeau said he considers politics a "noble profession" although it's not always seen that way. He said that's the fault of politicians and voters alike.

Trudeau laughed when asked if he's consulted his wife, Sophie Gregoire.

"The first conversations and the longest conversations are with Sophie," he said. "There's no question that I know to a great degree the challenges faced by a family in politics so before any final decison is made, it's a decision taken together."

Trudeau said if he does run, it will be in a Montreal-area riding.

"Montreal is my home," he said. "I've always known all my life if I were to end up in politics I would be representing a Montreal riding."

There were rumours circulating about Trudeau running in Montreal-area Outremont riding, recently vacated by former Liberal cabinet minister Jean Lapierre.

Other reports have suggested that riding is being held for another candidate and Trudeau may be asked to run in a tougher seat, one held by the Bloc Quebecois.

But Trudeau suggested there's only so far he'll go in being told where to run.

"There's a limit to how much I allow anyone to make decisions for me."

Trudeau made the remarks after speaking to a crowd at a Montreal college on how young people can be more involved in helping to clean up the environment.

He stressed that more people should become involved in public service and be less materialistic in an effort to overcome the problems caused by climate change and pollution.

While he had little good to say about Stephen Harper's environmental agenda during his speech, he said later the prime minister is finally catching on.

"I think he's finally realized that he's isolating himself by putting air quotes around the words global warming every time he speaks," Trudeau said. "He needs to demonstrate real commitment to it.

"One of the problems is that's going to alienate some of his power base in Alberta because we do need to address fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions.

"He is in a bit of a jam right now but I do believe that he is commited to what is best for Canada. I just don't know if he has the tools to be able to take those actions."

Trudeau, who says he drives a hybrid car and uses environmentally friendly cleaning materials at home, said people are hungry to make a difference in the world and the environment is a cause that unites everyone.