While a global shortage of epidural catheters has reached some provinces in Canada, a Toronto doctor says this shouldn’t discourage patients in Ontario from asking for one if they need it during their hospital visits.

Dr. Tali Bogler, Chair of Family Medicine Obstetrics at St. Michael’s Hospital, says the shortage has caused more work for hospitals to share supplies, but she hasn’t had to turn away a patient for requesting the treatment.

“We're actually OK at a provincial level here in Ontario in terms of our supply,” Bogler told CTV’s Your Morning on Friday.

“If hospitals are running out (of epidural catheters), they're being encouraged to contact their Ontario Health regional contact to facilitate sharing between hospitals, which has happened, and to support escalation with other suppliers.”

Supply chain issues in recent months have been the main cause of the shortage that has also affected British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Ontario Health reported 16 per cent of hospitals had less than a week’s worth of epidural catchers on Aug. 17.

An epidural catheter is a tube used to inject anesthetic into the spine of a patient. Though the treatment is often associated with pregnant people, they are also used for hip, knee and gynecological surgeries.

Bogler says patients shouldn’t feel discouraged from asking for an epidural and recommends checking in with their health- care provider first if they have any doubts regarding supply at their local hospital.

“You’re your best advocate and I really do encourage patients, even before they come into hospital for labour and delivery, to talk to their health-care provider or even call their hospital about their delivery to ask what the situation is like,” she said.

It’s also best practice for pregnant patients to ask for an epidural as soon as possible, Bogler said, as most patients tend to wait for their pain to get worse during labour before making a request.

“Sometimes people wait a little bit to see if the pain becomes a bit worse and then request it,” she said. “Request it if you're thinking about it, don't wait.”

In cases where patients are waiting for an epidural, Bogler said there are other options including opiates, laughing gas and local anesthetic that can be provided.