KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - The latest Canadian soldier killed in combat with the Taliban began his final journey home today with a moving a ceremony at Kandahar Airfield.

Cpl. Michael Starker, of Calgary, was killed Tuesday in an ambush by insurgents in the Pashmul region of Zhari district, about 25 kilometres outside of the city.

Thousands of NATO soldiers stood at attention on the tarmac as Starker's flag-draped coffin was carried aboard a Hercules transport for the flight back to Canada.

In his prayer, the padre, Maj. Jim Short, recalled Starker as a humble man with potent professional skills as a paramedic.

He says the 36-year-old instilled confidence in those who knew him and served with him.

Starker is the 83rd Canadian soldier to died in Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001.