Don't try protesting against Donald Trump at the University of Washington library, or you'll find out who's really got the power.

Social media users have embraced a video of a library patron putting some vocal protesters in their place, after they loudly interrupted his studies in the university library on Friday.

"Who's got the power?" the protesters can be heard chanting in the video, which has been viewed more than 15,000 times on Facebook. "We've got the power!"

The chant repeats a few times in the video, before it is quickly silenced by one peeved-off man.

"Hey, hey, hey!" he says in the video, causing the protesters to fall quiet. "This is library."


Anti-President Trump protesters rushed into the Library at the University of Washington an hour after the inaugural address. "WHO'S GOT THE POWER?" they chanted....... On this day, someone else had the power.

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Users on YouTube, Twitter and Reddit took the brief video and ran with it, remixing it with music and combining it with other moments from pop culture.

Just try getting this song out of your head.

One individual spliced the library moment with an iconic scene from "300," in which Gerard Butler's character shouts "This is Sparta!"

Others played up the man's big moment at the end, adding after he shuts down the angry protest.

Silly? Absolutely. But after a weekend of division and angry demonstrations in the United States, maybe this is exactly what the internet needs.