In the aftermath of last week's deadly terrorist attacks in Paris, top-ranked military leaders and high-ranking politicians are gathering in Halifax to discuss security issues.

This weekend's Halifax International Security Forum has drawn leading security experts from more than 60 countries across the globe, including Canada's Minister of Veteran Affairs Kent Hehr, Minister of National Defence Harjit Singh Sajjan and Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Jonathan Vance.

CTV Atlantic reporter Ron Shaw says that the summit's agenda, which was written during the summer, has been pushed aside in light of the Nov. 13 terrorist attacks on Paris, which left 129 people dead and wounded hundreds.

Peter Van Praagh, president of the forum, told ۴ý Channel that discussions revolving around ISIS had been planned, but now there is a "heightened sense of urgency."

In his opening remarks Friday, Van Praagh acknowledged that the event was taking place in the "shadow of that tragedy."

"After Paris, after the Russian Metrojet bombing over Sinai, after Beirut, after Ankara, after Mali just today – after so many tragedies– no serious person can ignore the threat that (ISIS) poses," said Van Praagh.

Van Praagh proceeded to advocate for a "co-ordinated and strategic" reaction to ISIS' attacks.

"Every country must do its part to put an end to terrorism and rein in rogue actors, (ISIS) and its psychopathic followers are no match for our collective resources," he said.

Van Praagh said Saturday despite the "sadness" and "despair" over the Paris attacks, "this is a winnable war," and at the forum he has seen a "determination to beat (ISIS)."

Vance echoed Van Praagh's remarks on Friday, saying that the violence had opened the world's eyes to the threat posed by ISIS.

"I think the rallying cry has occurred," he said.

"Paris certainly reminded people that this is an active enemy that's trying to win."

Shaw told ۴ý Channel on Saturday, that there was growing consensus among officials that dealing with terrorism from the Middle East is going to require a "multipronged approach."

This includes tactics such as supporting nations in the region that have not been affected by the influence of terrorist groups, "trying to discredit" ISIS, helping with local development and "starving ISIS" of resources.

Les Campbell, the regional director of Middle East and North Africa programs at the National Democratic Institute, told CTV Atlantic that countries, such as Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan and Lebanon, that have "not succumbed" to the violence should be supported.

"Let's give them the development assistance they need, and let's help them to cope with all the refugees and so on," he said.

At the same time, Alaa Murabit, president of the Voice of Libyan Women, said that countries also need to stop backing regimes that provide funding for terrorist groups.

"We need to stop saying that we support civil society and the growth of civil society, and at the same time supporting these regimes, particularly in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and (United Arab Emirates), -- the Gulf states – which have funded these groups for decades.

Shaw added that there seems to be a growing sentiment that troops will need to be deployed to the Middle East.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has promised to follow through on his election promise to withdraw its six CF-18 fighter jets from the U.S.-led coalition mission in Iraq and Syria.

Instead, the government has shifted its focus to providing training for local troops in the fight against ISIS.

Sajjan emphasized on Friday that the training will have a meaningful impact on the area.

He added that the key to defeating ISIS will be dissuading new recruits from taking up with its cause.

"My humble suggestion is let's make the message ineffective," said Sajjan." How do we demonize the message? That's the real key."

Van Praagh said that current tactics, including airstrikes, are "working" and that ISIS' recent attacks may have been an effort by the extremist group to flex its muscles and show that it can still muster its strength outside the Middle East.

"Some analysts and some of the people here … are saying that the strikes outside is almost a desperation move, because they’re losing territory," he said.

This weekend's summit also comes at the same time that the hacktivist group Anonymous issued a warning about ISIS planning attacks on numerous events across the world on Sunday, including three in Paris.

Anonymous says that they came across the plots via several pro-ISIS social media accounts.

It added that all of its proof has been submitted to authorities, but because "they have not done anything with it yet, and it's almost the 22nd, we have taken matters into our hands."

"We hope that at these events adding more security will be enough to prevent any possible attacks," said the statement.

"There will be big events worldwide on the 22nd, go at your own risk."

Van Praagh said it was important to counter ISIS in the "information war" on social media.

And while he acknowledged Anonymous' efforts, he said monitoring for threats is "something the intelligence agencies have been doing for years."

A group of protestors also staged a rally outside Saturday's summit in Halifax.

One of the attendees, Gina Compton, told CTV Atlantic that she didn't want these "war mongers here, we want peace."

"It's all about the oil and the money, and they're killing innocent people all over the world," she said.

With files from CTV Atlantic