Canada signed an on Friday, aiming to strengthen their co-operation to provide mutual aid against wildfires.

"Our top priority will always be keeping Canadians safe,” said Jonathan Wilkinson, Canada’s minister of natural resources, in a press release. “Today's arrangement with the United States will ensure effective co-operation through knowledge - and resource-sharing, advancing our joint efforts to protect livelihoods and communities from wildfires, on both sides of the border."

The agreement between Natural Resources Canada and the U.S. Departments of Agriculture and the Interior sets procedures for the exchange of wildfire management resources and establishes a framework which encourages the two countries joining forces for assistance and co-operation.

Officials from both countries say the agreement will ensure productive exchange of wildfire suppression resources across borders, with the driving intention being to increase protection for North American citizens.

It also ensures that the support is deployed in areas of highest need, in both countries, and this will be done by improving prevention, research, innovation, technical co-operation and risk mitigation.

"The United States and Canada have a long history of working together to fight wildfires across North America. This arrangement builds on this proud history to improve how we co-operate at all levels to meet the growing wildfire threat,” said U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. “As climate change continues to threaten communities, infrastructure, forests and rangelands, finding new ways to work together is essential.”

This MOU creates an opportunity to expand wildfire management knowledge, which is particularly essential as the wildfire season worsens as a result of climate change.

There have been more than 2,700 wildfires in Canada this year to date, according to the National Wildland Fire Situation Report.

Earlier this month, hundreds U.S firefighters arrived in Canada to help fight the raging wildfires across the country.

This year, more than 1500 Americans including firefighters, incident managers and support staff were deployed to Canada to support in controlling the fires.