Cuba's infrastructure and day-to-day life has been largely paralyzed since a massive outage last Thursday led to a prolonged nationwide blackout that continued into Monday evening.

On top of that, Tropical Storm Oscar made landfall Monday across the island's east coast, with heavy rain and wind adding to the frustrations those in the country are already experiencing.

Cuban authorities said by Monday afternoon, about 80 per cent of Havana, the country's capital city, had intermittent power, but residents were skeptical as protests against the government and the lack of urgency to resolve the blackouts have taken place since the weekend.

The Cuban government announced emergency measures to slash electricity demand, including suspending school and university classes, shutting down some state-owned workplaces and cancelling non-essential services.

As the weather in Canada begins to cool, some residents have flown south for vacation, with Cuba being a popular choice for tourists. wants to hear from Canadians who are stuck in Cuba during the blackout and the storm. Are you in a resort or villa? How are you using your computer or mobile device? How are you protecting yourself from the storm? Have you spoken with the Canadian government about what steps to take? Are you trying to catch a flight out of the country?

Share your story by emailing us at with your name, general location and phone number in case we want to follow up. Your comments may be used in a story.