A British tabloid on Sunday published photos of Prince Harry partying at a Calgary nightspot -- and made reference to the fact he isn't in Iraq.

A photo spread on News of the World included a shot of a drunken-looking Harry, who is third in line to the British throne -- standing between two women who are kissing him on each cheek.

The headline reads "Harry's Phwoar: As 150th soldier dies, prince parties."

The BBC defines "phwoar" as "a man looking at a woman in an enthusiastic way, or a woman looking at a man in an enthusiastic way."

The story says Harry's night out to Calgary's Cowboys nightclub took place hours after Britain mourned the death of the 150th British soldier to be killed in Iraq.

"It's an absolutely ludicrous linkage, quite frankly," defence analyst Sunil Ram told ۴ý. "He didn't do anything vaguely chargeable in terms of military law. He was just having fun with his mates."

If it were any other soldier, no one would care, Ram said.

The prince is in Alberta for training exercises at CFB Suffield near Medicine Hat. The Sunday Times newspaper reported that Harry was sent there to receive additional training on Scimitar armored reconnaissance vehicles.

Britain's top general announced last month that amid threats against Harry's life, the 22-year-old prince will not be sent to war-torn Iraq. His regiment, the Blues and Royals, is due to begin a six-month tour of duty there. There have been reports Harry may be deployed to Afghanistan instead.

The prince arrived in Alberta last week, but his visit has just now started attracting the attention of the British media.

Cowboys nightclub officials have said Harry was carded at the door when he and his entourage arrived Thursday night. Their eyebrows raised when they saw his British military ID.

He later apparently struck up a conversation with hostess Cherie Cymbalisty -- once named the hottest bartender in Calgary and third hottest in the country by Urban Male magazine.

Cymbalisty, also 22, was quoted in the media last week describing Harry as "prince charming," and that he kissed her on the cheek.

But the "mini-skirted barmaid" gave a racier account to News of the World, which quoted her saying that Harry asked her if she was wearing underwear. She claims the prince also asked her to take off her top.

"He was obsessed about my outfit and bra top. He was very forward," Cymbalisty said, according to News of the World.

The tabloid also reports that Harry was so "smitten" with the hostess that he text-messaged her the next day. She told the paper: "We definitely made a connection. He sent me a message saying he missed me -- and I've told him I'd love to go on a dinner date."

Cowboys managing partner Doug Donald says the pair seemed to hit it off.

"He took a real shine to our girl Cherie," he told CTV Calgary on Sunday, adding, "Cherie would look great on the dollar bill as a princess, let me tell you."

He described the two "as just a couple of young kids having fun. They're staying in touch. And she's a great girl and he's a really nice kid."

Harry was quiet, polite and a gentleman, he said.

The prince is still reported to be dating Chelsy Davy.

On the way out, Harry said "it was a really amazing experience for him to be able to just hang out and be himself," Donald said.

Over the years, Harry's night-time behaviour has been eagerly covered by Britain's tabloid newspapers.

There have been stories about marijuana use, underaged drinking and the infamous time in 2005 when he appeared at a party in a Nazi costume.

With reports from the Canadian Press and CTV Calgary