The body of Cpl. Matthew McCully was returned to his family today at CFB Trenton during a repatriation ceremony.

A CC-130 Hercules aircraft carrying his remains touched down at the base just before 7:30 p.m., and eight soldiers carried the flag-draped casket to a waiting hearse.

The 25-year-old soldier from Orangeville, Ont. was killed on Friday when he stepped on an improvised explosive device during Operation Hoover in Afghanistan.

The massive offensive, involving Afghan, Portuguese and Canadian forces, was designed to drive Taliban insurgents out of an enemy stronghold in Zhari district, north of the Arghandab River.

McCully was a signals operator from 2 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group Headquarters and Signals Squadron based in Petawawa, Ont.

He was also a member of Canada's Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team.

The goal of the team is to work with the Afghanistan military to develop it into a cohesive security unit with the hope that it will provide security in Afghanistan when coalition forces depart.

McCully's unit gave the fallen soldier a solemn send off from Kandahar Airfield on Friday.

He was remembered as an excellent soldier who believed in the mission and had a desire to do battle in Afghanistan.

McCully is the 55th Canadian soldier to be killed in combat in Afghanistan since 2002.

With files from the Canadian Press