CALGARY - The head of the Assembly of First Nations says aboriginal communities need to be involved in the planning of projects like the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline.

National Chief Shawn Atleo complains that first nations are usually brought in after the planning has already been done.

Enbridge's 5.5-billion dollar Northern Gateway pipeline would move Alberta crude to a terminal at Kitimat, B-C where it would be pumped into supertankers bound for Asian markets.

Enbridge says the project would bring jobs and economic development to northern B-C.

But many first nations and environmentalists say the project isn't worth the environmental risk.

Chief Atleo, a West Coast resident himself, says he too has environmental concerns -- but he's just as concerned about the lack of consultation with First Nations.

He says aboriginals aren't just stakeholders when it comes to extracting natural resources -- they're rights holders and the regulatory processes don't reflect that reality.