A busboy looking to clean up has settled a lawsuit against Lindsay Lohan over a 2005 car crash.

"It's been resolved," said Robert G. Klein, the attorney for busboy Raymundo Ortega, who settled for an undisclosed amount on Wednesday.

Lohan's Mercedes-Benz collided with Ortega's van as he was making a turn in October 2005. Though the California Highway Patrol concluded that Ortega caused the crash by making an illegal U-turn, he sued Lohan seeking at least $200,000 in damages.

Ortega's lawsuit contended that Lohan was fleeing paparazzi at the time and was under the influence of alcohol.

A message left Friday with Lohan's attorney, David J. Ozeran, was not immediately returned. Lohan publicist Leslie Sloane-Zelnik did not immediately respond to an e-mail seeking comment.

Ozeran has said there was no evidence the actress was intoxicated.