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Holiday season COVID-19 restrictions by province and territory


The fast spread of the COVID-19 Omicron variant has many Canadians wondering if they need to alter their plans when visiting family during the holiday season or partying on New Year's Eve.

The federal government has already advised against international travel, while provinces and territories across the country are acting swiftly to put in place measures to slow down the spread of the virus. Many of the new rules are set to take effect days before Christmas.

Canadians who want to keep their families safe this winter may want to be aware of what the new limits shall be.

Here's a look at those new restrictions by province and territory:

This was updated with the latest COVID-19 restrictions for all provinces and territories on Dec. 22, 2021.

Beginning on Dec. 23 and lasting until Jan. 18, 2022, no organized indoor gatherings of any size are permitted, including New Year's Eve parties, wedding or funeral receptions and other celebrations. Bars, nightclubs, gyms and dance studios are to be closed. Indoor events at venues, such as concerts, sports games and movies, will be reduced to 50 per cent capacity. Restaurants and cafes will also be limited to six people per table with physical distancing or barriers.

As of Dec. 20 and lasting until the end of January 2022, all indoor personal gatherings are restricted to 10 guests or one additional household, and only if everyone aged 12 and up is fully vaccinated. There are no restrictions for outdoor personal gatherings. Sports tournaments aren't allowed.

Organized outdoor events are limited to 5,000 people or 50 per cent capacity, whichever is greater.

Restaurants and venues must scan proof-of-vaccination QR codes for entry. People must remain seated and cannot move between or visit other tables at restaurants. Masks are required when not seated at a table. No dancing is allowed.

Private indoor gatherings are limited to 10 people aged 18 and up, with no limits on the number of children if they are accompanied by a parent or guardian. If children attend a gathering by themselves, they count toward the limit of 10 people. The restriction does not apply to mutual support groups or workers who need to access your home to provide caregiving support or home repairs and maintenance.

Outdoor private gatherings are limited to 20 people with two metres of physical distancing between members of different households at all times.

Masking and two metres of physical distancing are mandatory in all indoor public spaces, workplaces and places of worship.

Starting on Dec. 24, bars and restaurants participating in the province's Restrictions Exemption Program can only serve liquor until 11 p.m. and must close by 12:30 a.m. Only 10 people are allowed per table, with no mingling between tables or interactive activities, such as dancing, darts or billiards.

In addition, all indoor entertainment, event and recreation facilities participating in the Restrictions Exemption Program must abide by new capacity limits. Venues that can seat more than 1,000 people are limited to 50 per cent capacity. Those able to hold 500 to 1,000 people are limited to a maximum of 500 people. No food or drink consumption will be allowed while seated or during intermission.

Further restrictions related to other spaces, including retail settings and places of worship, can be found on the .

The province's current public health order, which has been extended to the end of January, requires masking in all indoor public spaces, as in, any enclosed place other than a private home or dwelling. Proof-of-vaccination or negative-test requirements are in place to access establishments, businesses and event venues that bring groups of people together.

On Dec. 22, the province announced a for students following the winter break to Jan. 10, 2022.

As of Dec. 21 and lasting until Jan. 11, private indoor gatherings are limited to 10 guests if everyone is fully vaccinated. If there are any unvaccinated people, the limit is five guests. Children under the age of 12 at such gatherings don't need to be fully vaccinated.

Outdoor gatherings at a private residence are limited to 20 guests if everyone is fully vaccinated. Outdoor gatherings on public property are limited to 50 per cent of normal capacity if everyone is fully vaccinated or 50 people if anybody is unvaccinated. Again, children 12 and under at such gatherings are exempt from needing to be fully vaccinated.

Bars, restaurants, gyms, movie theatres, libraries and museums are limited to 50 per cent capacity and require proof of vaccination, with the exception of libraries. Bars and restaurants will have seated service only with a maximum of 10 people per table.

Faith-based gatherings that require proof of vaccination are limited to 50 per cent capacity. Those that do not require vaccination will be limited to 25 per cent or 25 people, whichever is less.

Sports tournaments, indoors and outdoors, are suspended. Games and practices will be allowed with spectator capacity reduced to 50 per cent.

Outdoor ticketed performing arts events, indoor recreational businesses, seasonal facilities and events, group instructional classes, as well as and bingo events and casinos, are limited to 50 per cent capacity and require proof of vaccination, except for those under 12 years old.

Starting Dec. 19, private social gatherings are limited to 10 people indoors and 25 people outdoors.

Capacity limits for many indoor public settings, including bars, restaurants, retailers and shopping malls, will also be reduced to 50 per cent. The limit doesn't apply to weddings or funerals, as well as religious services, rites or ceremonies.

Bars, restaurants and strip clubs will be required to close at 11 p.m., with the exception of take-out and delivery service. Patrons must remain seated with a maximum of 10 people per table. Dancing will not be allowed except for workers or performers. The sale of alcohol will be restricted after 10 p.m.

Food and drink services will be prohibited at sporting events and large venues, including theatres and cinemas.

On Dec. 22, the province announced that starting Dec. 26 private gatherings will be limited to six people or two households. This rule will also apply to tables at restaurants. Residents were also asked to consider cancelling Christmas parties.

Currently, a maximum of 10 people or occupants from three households are able to gather inside private homes. Outdoors, on private property, a maximum of 20 people or occupants from three households are allowed to gather.

Private events in public spaces are limited to 10 people indoors with masking mandatory. Outdoors, the limit is 50 people.

As of Dec. 20 at 5 p.m., all bars, casinos, cinemas, gyms and performance venues are shut down. Restaurants can only open at 50 per cent capacity between 5 a.m. and 10 p.m., however, delivery and drive-thru orders may occur outside these hours. Sporting events, including professional ones, will be conducted with no spectators. Schools will be closed until Jan. 10, with any classes scheduled before then to be taken remotely.

Places of worship are limited to 50 per cent capacity, up to 250 people. Wedding ceremonies are limited to 250 guests indoors where proof of vaccination is required and 25 guests if it isn't. The limit rises to 500 if the ceremony takes place outdoors. Any receptions or banquets held in public spaces following the ceremony are limited to 25 people indoors and 50 people outdoors. Funerals can have up to 250 guests where proof of vaccination is required and 25 guests if it isn't. This limit increases to 500 if the ceremony takes place outdoors. Visitations and expressions of condolences to next of kin in public spaces are limited to 50 people.

On Dec. 28, the province will enact a of Level 2 measures. The new restrictions will include limiting household contacts to a maximum of 10 people. Restaurants, stores, malls, businesses, gyms, salons, spas and entertainment centres will operate at 50 per cent capacity with two metres of physical distancing. Event venues will operate at 50 per cent capacity, up to 150 people. Faith-based venues are limited to 50 per cent capacity with physical distancing. Choirs aren't permitted, but a soloist may perform if at least four metres from the congregation.

All incoming travellers at that time, including New Brunswickers, must register or have a multi-use travel pass. Unvaccinated travellers must self-isolate and be tested for COVID-19 on the 10th day. International travellers must follow federal testing and self-isolation guidelines and be tested on the 5th and 10th days.

Currently, as of Dec. 18, additional interim measures have been added to the province's Level 1 measures. They include limiting household contacts to a maximum of 20 people. Dining in restaurants is still permitted, but there must be two metres between each table and proof of vaccination is required. Entertainment centres, including professional sporting venues, cinemas and casinos, are limited to 50 per cent capacity with physical distancing of two metres.

As of Dec. 14, organized sports and activities for children under the age of 12 are prohibited. For those aged 12 and up, single-team practices and drills are permitted if a plan is in place that includes a reasonable effort to ensure physical distancing and sanitation.

As of Dec. 22, informal gatherings, both indoors and outdoors, will be limited to 10 people from the same household or social group. No distancing is required, and masks aren't required except in indoor public places.

Stores, malls, museums, libraries, casinos, gyms and recreation facilities will operate at 50 per cent capacity with physical distancing. Personal services such as hair salons can operate at the maximum capacity possible with physical distancing but cannot offer services that require mask removal.

Bars and restaurants can operate at 50 per cent capacity with physical distancing between tables and a maximum of 10 people per table. Dine-in service must cease at 11 p.m. and establishments close at midnight. Take-out, drive-thru and delivery may operate outside these hours. Only solo live music acts are allowed.

There will be no in-person events, indoors or outdoors, such as festivals, social events, special events, sporting events, arts and culture performances or wedding and funeral receptions.

Faith services, wedding ceremonies, funerals and visitations, cinemas, meetings and training sessions that are hosted by a business or organization are limited to 25 per cent capacity up to 50 people both indoors and outdoors. Only soloists may perform at faith services, with no choirs or congregational singing. There's no vehicle limit for drive-in faith services, but each vehicle must abide by the informal gathering rules.

Informal wedding ceremonies can have up to 10 people plus the person conducting the ceremony without proof of vaccination and physical distancing. Funerals can also have up to 10 people plus the person conducting the ceremony and funeral home staff without proof of vaccination, but visitations aren鈥檛 permitted under these circumstances.

A limit of two visitors at a time with long-term care residents will be permitted, and it must be the same two visitors all the time.


More restrictions affecting weddings, theatres, event venues and religious institutions are coming into place as of .

From Dec. 24 to Jan. 8, capacity at these places is being limited to a maximum of 50 people or 50 per cent capacity, whichever is smaller. Singing at places of worship will be limited to one person singing, with no choirs allowed.

Day camps will also be limited to groups of 15 participants with physical distancing and masks.

These measures are in addition to the ones implemented on Dec. 17. Among these are personal gatherings being limited to households plus 10 people maximum, with the 10 people being kept consistent.

Restaurants, gyms, and stores are limited to 50 per cent capacity and physical distancing is required. Bars and restaurants can only have up to 10 people per table and they must remain seated to eat or drink, with service ending at 11 p.m. and establishments closing at midnight. Dancing and karaoke are prohibited.

Group and team-based organized recreational activities, including sports games and practices, are suspended.

As of Dec. 22, incoming travellers must self-isolate for at least four days. They will be given a pair of COVID-19 rapid antigen tests to complete on days two and four of self-isolation. Both tests must be negative to leave quarantine. School-age children should be tested again after eight days. 


As of Dec. 20, the communities of Badger, Gander, Grand Falls-Windsor and Twillingate are subject to measures under the province's Alert Level 3. The remainder of the province can operate at Alert Level 2. Details of the restrictions under these alert levels can be found on the .

As of Dec. 21, new travel restrictions have been put in place based on age and vaccination status. Details can also be found on the .

The territory holiday gatherings of up to 10 people from no more than two households.

Organized indoor gatherings, including conferences, weddings, funerals and arts and sports events, are limited to 50 per cent capacity with proof of vaccination required. Bars, restaurants and nightclubs have a limit of six people per table, with proof of vaccination required, and no counter service, moving between tables or dancing permitted. Gyms and fitness studios are also operating at 50 per cent capacity with proof of vaccination required for those aged 19 and up.

Faith-based and cultural gatherings are limited to 50 per cent indoor capacity but proof of vaccination is not required under these circumstances.

Masks are mandatory in all indoor public settings, schools, vehicles with people from different households and outdoor public settings where physical distancing isn't possible.

Up to 25 people can gather in households if everyone, except children under the age of 12, is fully vaccinated. The number falls to 10 people if not everyone is fully vaccinated.

At indoor non-household gatherings, up to 25 people are permitted with physical distancing between members of different groups. Outdoors, up to 50 people can gather with physical distancing required between members of different groups.

On Dec. 22, the all incoming travellers with two doses or fewer of a COVID-19 vaccine to self-isolate for 14 days. Those who have received two doses and a booster shot more than two weeks ago do not have to self-isolate.

In Iqaluit, all swimming pools, theatres and hair and nail salons have been forced to close as of Dec. 23 after community spread was detected in the territory's capital. Restaurants are also only limited to takeout services. Indoor gatherings at homes are limited to five people plus household members while outdoor get-togethers are restricted to 25 people. Libraries, galleries, gyms and other gatherings at public spaces are restricted to 25 people or 25 per cent capacity, whichever is smaller. Places of worships are also limited to 50 people or 25 per cent capacity, with no singing.

Travel in and out of Iqaluit is also being restricted to essential purposes only.

For , indoor gatherings in a home are limited to household members plus 10 people. Indoor gatherings at non-dwellings, including group counselling sessions, are limited to 10 people. Indoor gatherings at halls and conference spaces, as well as government and Inuit organization facilities, are limited to 25 people or 50 per cent capacity. Outdoor gatherings are limited to 50 people.

Bars and restaurants are limited to 25 per cent capacity with no karaoke, dancing or live music. Gyms, libraries, museums, galleries and theatres are limited to 50 per cent capacity up to 25 people. Workouts must be done solo. No group tours are permitted at museums and galleries. Places of worship are limited to 50 people or 25 per cent capacity with no singing allowed. Arenas are limited to 50 people or 50 per cent capacity, plus a maximum of 50 spectators. Hairdressers and beauty salons are open but masks are mandatory.

Elsewhere in the territory, indoor gatherings in a home are limited to household members plus 15 people. Indoor gatherings at non-dwellings are limited to 15 people, but for the purposes of group counselling that limit is increased to 20 people. Indoor gatherings at halls and conference spaces, as well as government and Inuit organization facilities, are limited to 100 people or 75 per cent capacity, whichever is lower. Outdoor gatherings are limited to 100 people.
Bars and restaurants are limited to 75 per cent capacity. Gyms, libraries, museums and galleries can accept 25 people or 50 per cent capacity, whichever is lower. Theatres and places of worship are limited to 75 per cent capacity up to 100 people. Arenas must operate at 50 per cent capacity up to 50 people, plus a maximum of 50 spectators. Hairdressers and beauty salons are fully open.

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