A retired food inspector is warning lax meat import rules leave Canada vulnerable to bioterrorism and outbreaks of dangerous bacteria such as Listeria.

"In these times the threat to security and terrorism is real," says a report by Paul Caron, a former Canadian Food Inspection Agency inspector.

"There are outbreaks of animal diseases such as avian influenza and BSE (mad cow disease) in many countries of the world. ... The recent outbreaks of Listeria should illustrate what the potential is for the introduction of a food borne illness from an import meat source."

The report says the problems begin at the border.

The CFIA pre-clears U.S. meat imports before they enter Canada. The agency tells American exporters at least three days ahead of time if their shipments will be checked.

The report says this could allow "unsavoury" exporters to dump unsafe meats into Canada, and it is an ideal means to smuggle contraband across the border or carry out acts of bioterrorism.

Conversely, the report adds, the United States inspects all meat shipments at its borders.

One in every 10 shipments to Canada is sent to inspection facilities for a closer look by a CFIA inspector. Depending where the meat is going, these facilities can be hundreds of kilometres from the border, the report says.

Companies can also choose which facility inspects their meat, it adds, which opens the door for importers and processors to "potentially choose an inspector who is more lenient in general, or worse yet, potentially an inspector with whom they have an arrangement."

The report says many inspectors are simply new to the job and lack the training and expertise to spot dicey meats.

Turnaround time is another issue. The report says it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days to do a proper inspection.

"Inspection managers are under pressure to satisfy all client demands for service," it says.

"To satisfy these demands, CFIA inspectors are encouraged by managers to cut time by not following proper procedures."

Caron says he witnessed this during his 35-year career as a meat inspector at the CFIA.

"I haven't seen an inspector ever follow the procedure the way it's supposed to be followed," he said in an interview.

"A lot of it is because they're overwhelmed with the work they have to do. They're cutting corners. A lot of it is because of lack of training."

Caron retired from the CFIA in 2005 to work as a meat industry consultant. He is on a list of potential witnesses who may be summoned before the Commons sub-committee studying food safety. Earlier this month, Caron sent his report to Liberal MP Wayne Easter, vice-chair of the sub-committee.

No one from the CFIA was available for an interview.

In an email, an agency spokesman said all federally licensed and registered inspection facilities must meet the same requirements.

Spokesman Tim O'Connor also said the CFIA tracks all shipments that aren't presented for full inspection before the meat is sold in Canada.

During last summer's listeriosis crisis, Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz said the Conservatives added $113 million to the food inspection agency's budget and hired 200 new inspectors since 2006.

But the agriculture union countered at the time that most of those new hires are not working as meat inspectors.

The CFIA acknowledged this month in a letter to MPs on the food safety sub-committee that it can't track how many meat inspectors it has.