WASHINGTON - Dancing, singing or modeling? Hmm. Asked to choose what reality TV program she would prefer to compete on, Hillary Rodham Clinton chose the popular "Dancing With the Stars."

"In my dreams I would be on 'America's Next Top Model' but in reality I would have to choose my limited talents and of them dancing is better than singing," Clinton said Monday during a taping of "The Tyra Banks Show." "You do not want me to sing."

That was an apparent reference to her off-key rendition of "The Star-Spangled Banner," which has made the rounds on YouTube.

In the interview, the Democratic presidential candidate discussed an emotional moment she had with voters on the eve of the New Hampshire primary, which some analysts credit with helping her to an unexpected win, and her recent comments about Martin Luther King Jr. that helped push the issue of race to the forefront of the campaign against Barack Obama, who is black, for the Democratic nomination.

She even suggested a nationwide contest, "like a reality show," for a title for her husband, former President Clinton, should she win the nomination and be elected the nation's first female president.

"Here are some of the things that have been suggested, like 'First Mate,'" Hillary Clinton said. "His Scottish friends say 'First Laddy,' but we need ideas. I'll just keep calling him Bill."

Asked whether she does any of a number of popular dances, including hip-hop, Clinton said she'd heard of them and that they were "variations of what I did like 30, 40 years ago."

"Everything gets recycled and gets a different name," Clinton said. "I think it would have to be 'Dancing With the Stars,' especially if I could have one of those really good partners," she said.

The show is scheduled to be broadcast Friday.