UNITED NATIONS - A UN General Assembly committee passed a Canadian-sponsored draft resolution Tuesday expressing "deep concern" at human rights violations in Iran, which has ignored previous resolutions on the issue.

The assembly's human rights committee approved the resolution by a vote of 72-50 with 55 abstentions. The draft now goes to the 192-member General Assembly for a final vote.

The draft resolution expresses "very serious concern'' that despite previous resolutions by the General Assembly on the issue of human rights in Iran, there have been "confirmed instances'' of violations including the use of stoning as a method of execution and various forms of degrading punishment and torture.

It also calls upon Iran's government "to eliminate, in law and practice, all forms of discrimination and other human rights violations against persons belonging to religious, ethnic, linguistic or other minorities.''

Iranian UN Ambassador Mohammad Khazaee initially sought to block a vote on the draft by proposing a motion of "no action.'' It was defeated by a single vote, with 79 against, 78 in favour and 24 abstentions.

In a statement before the vote on the draft resolution, Khazaee criticized Canada, the main sponsor among 41 other countries of the draft resolution, for resorting to "illusionary and non-existing claims and allegations'' to gain support for the vote.

He also accused the Canadian government of falsely portraying itself as a human rights leader "while certain parts of its own population, especially minorities, immigrants, foreigners and indigenous people suffer from'' discriminatory treatment.

Canadian UN Ambassador John McNee, in his statement said the sponsors looked forward to a day when the resolution is no longer necessary.

"We even look forward to the day where the government of Iran will simply acknowledge that it faces human rights issues. And one day, hopefully, the Iranian citizens themselves will be able to discuss and address human rights issues openly, without fear of persecution,'' he said.

Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier, in a statement issued in Ottawa said: "The Government of Iran has an obligation to live up to its international human rights commitments.''

"This resolution calls upon Iran to address the continued use of torture; cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; public executions; stoning as a method of execution; violent repression of the defenders of women's human rights; discrimination against minorities; restrictions on fundamental rights and freedoms and the persistent failure to uphold the right to due process of law.''

"By adopting this resolution, the international community calls upon the Government of Iran to act urgently to deal with these serious human rights violations. Canada will continue to work with partner countries and through international forums to promote freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.''

The representative from Libya charged the passing of country-specific resolutions would increase the level of confrontation among countries.

Other opponents of the draft resolution, including Syria and Egypt, said the issue should be dealt with by the UN's Human Rights Council.