

Christmas Tree Delivery Service

December 5, 2022

Tis the season to put up your artificial or real tree, but how do you get it home? Every Christmas season, millions of Americans hunt for their perfect real or artificial Christmas tree, and how they get them home can vary. Often, families will attempt to load a tree into their vehicles themselves; however, this can prove problematic. So here are a few good reasons to hire a courier service this holiday season.



Only some people can access a vehicle that can accommodate the size of their real or artificial tree. Attempting to fit A tree that cannot safely fit inside or on top of the vehicles can be very dangerous. The tree can either be damaged, lost in transit due to the ability to secure the tree down, or cause an accident by falling out or tail lights not being seen due to an open trunk. Transporting a tree using a vehicle that is insufficient in size is dangerous and should be done by a professional courier service.

A courier service like Reliable couriers has a fleet of everything from cargo vans to box trucks with lift gates capable of moving trees up to 26ft. This means that your tree can be securely placed inside the vehicle and prevent any damage to your tree. Being secure within a vehicle also means protection from the elements and no potential for causing car accidents.



For American families, finding the time to be able to pick up their Christmas tree during the busy holiday season can be challenging. If a family finds the time, it can take up their entire day. This is mainly because people are unfamiliar with shipping trees, as they only do it once a year. Other time consumers for families can be picking out or locating their tree, driving from place to place, waiting for check out, carrying the tree to their vehicle, securing the tree, going home, and unloading the tree. The entire process can be daunting, especially with young children and making sure they are safe through the whole process.

Hiring a courier service can save you the precious time you could spend making other holiday memories. Our delivery drivers of reliable couriers have transported hundreds of Christmas trees over the years and waste no time transporting them to your family home. Being familiar with the process, our couriers can quickly get through the pickup and delivery process, saving you a headache and time.

Who to hire


No matter the size, shape, or weight, our delivery drivers can cater to your Christmas tree shipping needs this holiday season. Our couriers are familiar with the delicacy of transporting a real tree, as well as maintaining the integrity of an artificial tree, and can accommodate all of your Christmas tree needs. So call us today and receive a free quote on your Christmas tree delivery.